But seriously, folks. Even as we remain a long way from spring training, Clincher really enjoys Christmastime. From the colored lights across the neighborhoods and stores, and the extra effort that most folks put in to make the season joyful, to all those classic TV reruns of Burl Ives and Charley Brown. Even the long-familiar carols make the season uniquely enjoyable, year in and year out. About the only thing that comes close to ruining it is the traditional "War on Christmas" trash talk. But there will always be killjoys who feel some nagging need to exploit any reason to accentuate our differences and advance a divisive agenda to make some asinine point that ends with their moral superiority over the rest of us. They will never go away. Indeed, they belong in the palate of free and vibrant societies as much as blizzards and wind chill factors and hazardous driving conditions belong to this holiday season.
Perhaps no modern expression of Christmastime spirit is stronger for its unrestrained comfort and joy than those old Fan Club holiday recordings by the Beatles. I have never been what you might call a Beatlemaniac, but a big part of what I look forward to each Christmas is DJ Terri Hemmert spinning those old 45 RPM flexidiscs on WXRT:
Hello! This is John speaking with his voice. We're all very happy to be able to talk to you like this on this little bit of plastic....
This is Paul here. Everything that John said goes for me, too.... So, I'll finish now with a wishing everyone happy Krimble and merry new year, and especially all the ones who paid the subscription.
Even the Xmas war drum triumphalists can't ruin a good Krimble.
[Krimble pic h/t, The Adventurer's Club]
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